Sunday, May 29, 2011


Matthew 20:26-28 (NLT)

26 But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. 28 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

I love the way this version of these verses reads. The very first phrase draws me in, "But among you it will be different..." Wow! OK, so let's just start there. We as Christians have a responsibility, we are called to be different, not just here in these verses, but throughout the Bible it talks about us being "set apart" like in Psalms 4:3. With us...thing are to be different.

On that note, it's not just a matter of how we dress, where we go or what we say that makes us different. It's a matter of how we act. This verse specifically targets those that would be the leaders among us. Does it suggest practicing more than all others in order to be better and more qualified for leadership positions? Does it mention stepping on the "little people" in order to work your way up? NO! These verses show us how real leaders are made, they're not made from better gifts and skills than you or I have, they're made from the ability to serve as Christ served, to reach out to the neediest, to the poor and the sinners even. This verse never once says that we're only to serve fellow Christians so do not take for granted the power of your servant-like attitude. What a witness it can be to those around you! People are always stumped at a person that will go out of their way to do something considered "beneath" them. The world has a "look out for myself" mindset, therefore they do not understand the heart that sees and helps another. It's beyond their comprehension.
I find it fascinating that these verses don't just say "act like a servant", they repeat the sentiment with a second comparison, this is to that of a slave! No one wants to be someone's slave, the suffering and mistreatment this brings to mind causes us to shudder. BUT, we are not called to only serve those that are nice to us, those that say thank you or pat us on the back...we are called to serve as Christ would. This means all mankind, even the cruelest of men, the most ungrateful and undeserving. God doesn't ask His people to only do the easy tasks, He asks us to do the impossible tasks, for how else should He show those looking on that He is bigger and more loving than even the most unlovable of men? That He sent His Son not only for the "good" people, but for the lowest of low?

Jesus was our example and He certainly blazed an amazing path. If we can catch but a mere flicker of the fire He had for the people of this earth, we will conquer the hearts of men. It starts small. Do what you can, where you can, for whom you can. Maybe this means clearing the dishes after dinner, playing the piano at church, shoveling a neighbor's driveway or giving a stranger a ride in the rain...but whatever opportunity presents itself, remember, we are to be the face of Christ.

God Bless.

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