Friday, May 27, 2011

God's Artwork

1 Chronicles 29:11

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, O LORD, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.

Tonight I was reminded of the beauty within God's creation. I'm not actually talking about the creation of nature, such as trees, flowers and sunsets, but rather His beauty found within individuals.
I was invited to attend an art exhibition that houses the world's largest collection of artists under one roof...or so it claims, which I assume is true. This event has such an extensive variety in it's art that I wasn't even sure what to look at or where to begin.

I did, however, find myself drawn more to the photography rather than the sketches and paintings, but no matter what style of art it was, I was continually reminded of how beautifully different God designed each one of us. The very variations within the art are an expression of His creativity. We certainly serve an artistic God and I for one am thankful for the differences I can see within His creations. I realize that I'm rather limited when it comes to most of what I saw tonight, but I can appreciate the abilities God has given others and when I see those, I'm reminded that I too am unique and gifted by God. So Kudos to Pendleton Art Center for all they're doing down there and never forget that even the artistic expressions are God's! G'nite all...God Bless.


Ike said...

Hey, I get to be the first to comment on your new blog!
Good post.

TKB said...

Thanks for the comment. It's somehow better to know that ppl are actually out there, rather than to assume you're writing just to yourself. :)